Marco Mattorre: the Power of Fasting

On Wednesday, December 13, Marco Mattorre officially presented his book The Power of Fasting prevention, therapies, perspectives live streamed on our e-learning platform

Marco Mattorre

Marco Mattorre

Marco Mattorre is a medical surgeon, a specialist in Internal Medicine and Preventive Hygiene-Medicine, and has worked as a medical executive at the Prevention Department of ASL Umbria 2. He has been involved in fasting since 1988, he started working in a Digiunotherapy center, and has pursued this passion throughout his life, along with many other topics in Clinical Nutrition, Phytotherapy, PNEI and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
He has been practicing intermittent fasting for almost 10 years.

Presentation of the book live on December 13, 20.30 hrs

Video interview to Marco Mattorre

Marco Mattorre is a first-year instructor for the School of Hippocrates.
His lectures on therapeutic fasting, caloric restriction and their effects on health always arouse considerable interest in his students.
His expertise and professionalism then do the rest.
Click on the button below to view his teaching schedule.